Monday, December 23, 2013

Neuro Semantics: Is it NLP Or Not

Neuro-Semantics: Is It NLP Or Is It Not?

I’m often asked this question.  “Is Neuro-Semantics NLP or is it something other than, or more than NLP?  What exactly Neuro-Semantics?”  These questions come up in interviews in various countries and in trainings when people come who are new to Neuro-Semantics.

First of all, yes, Neuro-Semantics is grounded in NLP.  That’s where it is sourced.  It arose from the NLP Communication Model which enables and informed us on how to model excellence.  And the first model of Neuro-Semantics, the flagship of Neuro-Semantics is the Meta-States model which came from my NLP modeling of resilience.  Meta-States added to NLP by the International NLP Trainer’s Association.  That was 1995.  Today all over the planet, it is generally recognized in the field of NLP (although there are isolated trainers who have not kept up with the field!).

Consider the key models that we use in Neuro-Semantics Meta-Coaching.  They come from NLP — the NLP Communication Model, Meta-Programs, the Strategy Model, Hypnotic language model.   As Neuro-Semantics developed and expanded, it both included and transcended NLP.

In the following, the Neuro-Semantic models are sourced in NLP and in some of NLP’s original sources:

Axes of Change Model                  —           Meta-Programs

The Benchmarking Model            —           Meta-Model of Language & Korzybski’s General Semantics

The Facilitation Model                   —           Communication Model & Meaning/Performance Axes

The Matrix Model                            —           NLP meta-levels (Dilts), Bateson, Developmental Psychology and Phenomenology

Frame Games                                    —           NLP meta-levels: Korzybski, Dilts, Bateson

Self-Actualization Quadrants      —           Korzybski and Human Potential Movement

Precision Template                         —           NLP Well-Formed Outcome pattern

The Crucible Model                         —           Self-Actualization, States

So, is Neuro-Semantics NLP or not?  And the answer is Yes.  It is both!  It is NLP and it transcends the original formulations of NLP so today it has become more and different.  That’s why Neuro-Semantics Trainers train and certify NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner.  Coaching Essentials is the essentials of the NLP Communication Model which allows one to get into the professional track of Meta-Coaching.

What then is the difference between NLP and Neuro-Semantics?  There are many.  The following describes what Neuro-Semantics is in distinction to NLP.

Neuro-Semantics focuses on meaning in addition to our representational mind. Using Meta-States, Neuro-Semantics recognizes sub-modalities as actually meta-modalities, the cinematic features of the movies — as higher frames that operate semantically.

Neuro-Semantics using Meta-States focuses on self-reflexive consciousness and this is the mechanism that creates our logical levels, or psycho-logical levels (Korzybski).

Neuro-Semantics focuses on “apply to self,” integration, and ecology and uses the Mind-to-Muscle pattern to enable implementation.

Neuro-Semantics training focuses on competencies and benchmarking those competencies.  We do not just hand out certificates, but train for competency.

Neuro-Semantics is systematic as it continued the original NLP as the study of the structure of experience.

Neuro-Semantics is systemic and uses the Matrix Model for systems thinking and operating.

Neuro-Semantics focuses on integrity, ethics, and has built accountability into the community.

Neuro-Semantics focuses on building a community worldwide and leading it through a leadership team with a vision and mission.

In these and more ways, Neuro-Semantics has since 1996 sought to “take NLP to a higher level professionally and ethically.”  We sought to practice cooperation and collaboration, inclusion, and accountability at a time when there were numerous lawsuits and factions.  As a result, Neuro-Semantics has been the most creative area of NLP in terms of new models and new patterns.

So, yes, it is NLP, that’s where it began.  In the early years, Neuro-Semantics kept revisiting the original models (Perls, Satir, and Erickson) and Bateson, Korzbyski, etc. to mine other treasures that were not mined by Bandler and Grinder.  That set in motion many new discoveries, expanding the NLP models and innovating new ones.  Today we do not see what we are doing as exclusive, but inclusive.  And what we began by setting a vision of taking NLP to a higher level … we seek to continue pioneering what’s happening in this field and where it is going.  If you are interested, come join the adventure.


Michael Hall

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. is an entrepreneur who lives in the Rocky Mountains of western Colorado where he had a private therapy practice for many years, operated an NLP Training Center, and from where he began trainings in Meta-States and Neuro-Semantics.

Dr. Hall’s doctorate is in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology is from Union Institute University in Cincinnati Ohio. His doctoral dissertation explored the languaging of four psychotherapies (NLP, RET, Reality Therapy, Logotherapy) using the formulations of General Semantics. He addressed the Interdisciplinary International Conference (1995) presenting an integration of NLP and General Semantics. His Masters degree was in Clinical Counseling and Psychology from Regis University in Denver Colorado and his Bachelors of Science was in Management of Human Resources. Prior to those degrees he took a Masters in Biblical Literature and Language.

As an author, Dr. Hall is known as a prolific writer with 30 some books to his name, more than 100 published articles and is recognized as a leading NLP Trainer and developer of many models, most notably the revolutionary Meta-States model and more recently the Matrix model. In 1996, Michael co-founded with Dr. Bob Bodenhamer Neuro-Semantics® as a field of study and as an International Society.

Today Michael spends most of his time researching and modeling and training internationally. His modeling projects have included modeling excellence in a variety of areas: resilience, self-reflexive consciousness, state management, sales, persuasion, accelerated learning, wealth building, women in leadership, fitness and health, culture and cultural phenomena, and leadership.

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